
What is Neuro Muscular Orthodontics

Perfect White SmileSmile Makeover

Neuromuscular or Orthopedic orthodontics is an option for Phase 2 (making the jaw healthy permanently) of our treatment for TMJ disorders. Placing the word Neuro-muscular or Orthopedic in front of the word Orthodontics means that we are not just straightening teeth, we are doing so much more! We are increasing the volume of air that goes down the throat, we are aligning the vertebrae in the neck to be in-line with he dental arches of the teeth, we are enabling patients to breathe more comfortably through their nose, we are making sure that your jaw joints do not click crack or pop and have sufficient space to open and close smoothly. How do we do all this you ask? Keep reading.

Why Is Orthopedic Or Neuromuscular Orthodontics the Final Stage In Curing Or Ending TMJ?

Phase 2 TMJ therapy utilizing orthodontics can come into play. The goal is to maintain the correct position/bite without the continuing need for a Phase 1 TMJ orthotic device. Neuromuscular orthodontics can move the teeth to make this new found corrected position permanent!

Often this involves widening and bringing forward the upper and lower teeth arches that will actually grows bone3 dimensionally in the upper jaw. This is upper arch development is usually accomplished with a fixed upper orthodontic appliance called a FAGGA. Again, the goal is to permanently move the teeth into the position that physiologically correct for your head and neck and posture.

Neuromuscular Orthodontics Stage
Neuromuscular Orthodontics Arch System

The Controlled Arch System

Dr. Frey utilizes the Controlled Arch System to rehabilitate your mouth. By utilizing the Controlled Arch System, Dr. Frey can reposition your jaw in a physiologically balanced position, reducing pain and correcting your bite. The Controlled Arch Approach develops the jaw first and then moves the teeth to fit the jaw placement, rather than the reverse.

Open Bite Correction Before & After

Before and after bite correction
Bite Correction before and after
Open Bite Correction before and after
Before and after

Types Of Anterior Guided Growth Appliances

Also referred to as AGGA, the Anterior Guided Growth Appliance is used to correct damage done due to a misaligned jaw and a bad bite. There are two different types of anterior guided growth appliances: fixed (FAGGA) and removable (RAGGA). Both growth appliances meet the same goal, but the logistics are where they differ.

Fixed Anterior Guided Growth Appliance (FAGGA)

This growth appliance is the best treatment option for adults who suffer from sleep apnea, breathing issues, and most commonly, severe TMJ. FAGGA is able to open the airways by expanding the upper jaw, allowing for relief for breathing. FAGGA may also improve facial appearances as well.

Removable Anterior Guided Growth Appliance (RAGGA)

This growth appliance is best recommended for children who have yet to grow their full set of adult teeth. This appliance works much like a retainer, however instead of keeping the teeth in place, it expands the jaw similarly to a palate expander. This creates enough space in the mouth for the child’s adult teeth to erupt without overlap.

Candidates For Anterior Guided Growth Appliances

Of course the best way to know if you are a candidate for AGGA is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Frey. However, if you have experienced any of the following, you may be suited for an AGGA:
●   Struggled with sleep apnea
●   Discomfort while chewing
●   Jaw pain
●   Severe TMJ
●   Bad posture due to jaw alignment
●   Dissatisfaction with facial structure

How Neuromuscular Orthodontics Work

Neuromuscular Orthodontics Work
Orthodontics work
Neuromuscular Orthodontics Treatment

Neuromuscular Orthodontics Treatment Process In Beverly Hills, CA

After Dr. Frey has located the patient’s most relaxed, natural jaw position through use sophisticated medical equipment, the job is to now make that position permanent, curtailing the need for the temporary orthotic device. This is what we call Phase 2 of our TMJ disorder treatment. Once you’re completely comfortable with your new bite, Dr. Frey may recommend either a restorative, cosmetic dental procedure or orthodontics to sustain the results of your TMJ treatment. If your teeth need to be moved to attain the proper bite alignment, orthodontics may be best for Phase 2.

The Dangers Of Orthodontics

Are you a victim? Watch this video!!

How Long Will I Need To Wear My Braces To Correct TMJ?

There is no set duration for your orthodontic treatment. This is unique to every patient and depends on the amount the teeth need to be moved to attain the proper alignment. We like to accomplish everything within 14-and 24 months. Each person is different so it will vary.

Can Neuromuscular Orthodontics Permanently Relieve My TMJ Symptoms?

Orthopedic or Neuromuscular Orthodontic movement, will many times make the patient’s TMJ disorder symptoms resolve completely or diminish greatly. This is because the jaw muscles no longer need to work harder to maintain a stable jaw position.

Neuromuscular Orthodontics relieve

What Happens After My Orthopedic Orthodontic Braces Are Taken Off?

Just as with teenage orthodontics, keeping the teeth in place after they have been moved is crucial to long-term neuromuscular orthodontic success. Because orthopedic orthodontics is a place that is in harmony with the muscles of the jaw, and the jaw joint, retainers are not needed long term.

Schedule A Consultation

If you are suffering from jaw pain then you might have TMJ but don’t worry, we’re here to help! Call (310) 276-4537 to schedule a consultation with Beverly Hills TMJ Dentist, Dr. Frey.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use a take-home teeth whitening kit from my PWS dentist?

Home tooth bleaching systems are easy and convenient to use. At the onset of treatment, we fabricate a custom-fitted mouthpiece for the upper teeth and one for the lower teeth. In addition to these trays, you receive tubes of tooth bleaching gel. Each day, a small amount of gel is inserted into the inside of each tray and the trays are then inserted over your teeth. We can demonstrate how to apply the gel into the trays in the office before you begin your treatment. Trays are worn for a select amount of time, usually 30 minutes to an hour. After removing, gently brush and floss your teeth and rinse trays to remove the bleaching gel.

Do you offer home teeth-whitening options?

Yes, Of course. We have offered-home tooth bleaching kits for our patients since 1990.They work nicely. We feel the best way to whiten your teeth is to start with a one hour Zoom Advanced Power session then take the at home bleaching trays home to either maintain the great white smile or to make it even whiter! Have fun

Are OTC tooth bleaching products sold in phamacies good for my teeth?

Yes, We like the whitening strips that are sold in the pharmacy. They work. They are weak and take a long time but they work. These products are formulated with minimal active ingredients. PWS offers a much more powerful dose of whitening agent that will work much faster and efficiently.

What is Zoom whitening?

Zoom! is one of the fastest, most effective methods of teeth whitening ever developed. . This in-office technique allows you to sit back and relax like in a tanning salon while we whiten your smile. After shielding teeth and gums, we apply a professional-grade tooth bleaching gel to your teeth. This gel is then activated with light for approximately 3 to 4 15-minute sessions stimulating faster action. We recommend using at home whitening gels after this process to maintain and keep your smile its very whitest!

Can whitening my teeth make them look straighter?

Teeth whitening can achieve remarkable results in terms of whiteness . A brighter, whiter smile can make you look younger and friendlier.  How straight your teeth are have nothing to do with the whitening process. If you have mild alignment issues in conjunction with discoloration, porcelain veneers may be an ideal treatment option to correct both issues simultaneously.

Can whitening toothpaste be used after professional teeth whitening?

Sure. Use the toothpaste! It should do no harm after a professional teeth whitening.

How long will my teeth stay white after bleaching?

Teeth whitening treatment achieves beautiful results that can last anywhere from weeks to months. Usually, right after the procedure, patients absolutely love it. We call it the WOW period. We feel that loses its WOW rather quickly but stays a lot whiter than when you started. You are just out of the WOE period. The lighter teeth can last months. This is why we like to couple the process with At-Home whitening kits.

Avoiding tobacco and any food with color also increases the duration of results from teeth whitening,  Habits such as rinsing your mouth after consuming coffee, red wine, and other products that can stain teeth may also help.

One of the advantages of tooth bleaching is that treatment can safely be repeated as often as needed to maintain the brilliant smile you deserve.

Will my teeth become sensitive after teeth whitening?

We call them Zingers. Ouch. They come in waves and you have to close your lips during the Zinger wave. Its very uncomfortable and lasts usually until the following morning. Most people do experience slight temporary sensitivity when they undergo teeth whitening treatment. This can occur whether whitening is conducted in the office or at home. T

Sensitivity does not indicate a problem. Comfort may be managed by using our relief gel which we give every patient.

What causes teeth to become stained?

There are two types of stains. Intrinsic and Extrinsic. An Intrinsic stain is when a tooth turns color from white to yellow. This can happen over the years from many different factors like smoking. An Extrinsic stain can be wiped or cleaned off with a good dental cleaning. Porcelain veneers will never stain intrinsically.  The porcelain is non porous and will not turn color. But it can stain extrinsically and a simple dental cleaning will bring back its natural beauty.

How long does a teeth whitening procedure take?

Teeth whitening that is performed here in our office takes only about an hour. In that time, it is possible to lift teeth into a shade several times brighter than they were before treatment.

Teeth whitening that is performed at home with a whitening kit provided by our office takes longer to achieve the level of results we can obtain in the office. However, tooth bleaching at home may be more convenient or comfortable for some patients. Home whitening gets excellent results. Patients may notice a difference after their very first home whitening treatment. With each application of the professional-grade tooth bleaching solution, teeth will look slightly more radiant. In most cases, dramatic results are achieved within a two-week period. However, the more severe discoloration can take longer to correct.

How does the teeth whitening process work?

The teeth whitening gel is a peroxide that soaks into the tiny dentinal tubules which is located under your enamel. It forces oxygen molecules to come forward thus brightening the enamel. You see, enamel is translucent and really doesnt have much color. The color all comes from the dentin underneath it.. Because we are affecting intrincis stains that occurred over the years, stains from coffee, tea, and even smoking can be minimized or even eliminated in just one visit. It is also possible for teeth to be made whiter than their natural shade using professional-grade products and techniques.

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